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A Christian Mysticism Home

Christian Mysticism: Divine intelligence has designed the whole creation in such a way that “isolation” is a detestable aberration. This fact is sufficiently substantiated and accurately portrayed by the Omniscient Creator when He affirmed, “it is not good that man should be alone” (Genesis 2:18). By extended application, what is not good for the man is equally undesirable for the woman. Even in the kingdom of animals, whether aquatic or terrestrial, there is no such thing as a lone-ranger.

Everybody comes from a home or at least from the union of a father and a mother whether married or unmarried. Even Jesus did not just appear by means of some mystical manipulation; rather God decided that he who was to be the Saviour of the world should first be raised in the home setting. The ideal state of life therefore, both from human and divine perspective, is partnership, companionship, friendship.

The home in this context is seen as comprising a married couple with or without children. The term “Christian” qualifying the type of home we have in mind presupposes that the members of the said family are Christians. It is expedient at this juncture to understand who a Christian is. A Christian is someone who was once a sinner but at some point made a definite decision to turn away from his evil ways and accepted Christ’s offer of salvation by faith with the evidence of a brand new life. A Christian home or family is not necessarily a marriage ceremony conducted within the four walls of a cathedral neither is it the one whose ceremony was presided over by the Arch Bishop. Rather, it is that which is unanimously formed in a legally binding covenant, by one Christian man and one Christian woman who have agreed to live together for the rest of their life time.

For any Christian home to be worth its sort, deliberate efforts must be made to run the home by some practical, workable principles. Each party must play his part for the home to be an enviable one.


The first and golden duty of a Christian wife in the home is SUBMISSION to her own husband (Eph5:22).This is first demonstrated when on their wedding day she publicly admits to forfeit her father’s name and takes pleasure in being called by her husband’s name. She recognizes and accepts him as her God-given head and leader of the newly formed home. She gives him the honour to take the lead in decision-making while making her own useful contribution as a partner in progress.

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